Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Climbing Mt. St. Helens

This morning I purchased a 10 person group climbing permit for Mt. St. Helens good for August 5th, 2011.

Last year I wanted to do this hike but the permits sold out so I set a reminder on my calendar to buy them on day one which was today February 1st @ 9am.

There is no camping allowed on top of the volcano so the climbing permit is only good for one day up and back.  Here is a blog post that a large group with two 12+ year olds in their party.  It took them 11 hours round trip.  And I think it's a good example of how our performance will be with kids.  There are some good photos and they went at the end of July which is close to the time we are going.  We'll get to climb to the peak and look into the mouth of the volcano.

I was thinking of making it a family oriented event also by camping out the night before somewhere on the South side of the mountain which is where the climbers bivouac is.  Exploring the Ape Caves one day and maybe hitting the Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center another day.  I don't have camp site reservations yet but all are welcome to come for that.  Jay and I were planning to bring our entire families out for that part of the adventure.  If you have ideas for an itinerary let me know we could put the Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center and the Ape Caves as bookend activities around the climb.  Other family members that aren't climbing could go swimming or just hang around.  It should be good fun!

If no one in the family wants to buy the remaining tickets I'll open it to extended family.

After I hear some feedback from others like how many full families or even if Mom & Dad are planning to come up and either picnic or base camp with us I'll fill you in on details such as where we are planning to camp.  (I'm thinking South Side because like I said above that's where the climber's bivouac is.


  1. Dogs: your leashed dog is allowed on the climbing route but not encouraged. The ash and lava rocks are very hard on your dog's pads and may cause severe injury. Further, the climbing route offers very little shade and no water source.

  2. I enjoyed looking at the post by the other hikers. I would have loved to do this hike about 20 years ago. The bookend activities sound really fun to me. I hope other family members will come too

  3. @Mom,

    Are you and Dad going to come?

  4. Yes we will come for camping. Dad said you are checking into where it would be good to camp.

  5. We are trying to swing it but not sure if it will work out. The kids start school on the following Monday and we don't want to be weary travellers on the first day of school.
    For now, I would say if someone else wants to take that place feel free to offer it to them. If it rolls around in a few months and we decide to take the week off work and commit to coming up, then we will see if there is space at that time.
    Sorry to be so uncommital at this point... but its the best that I can do right now given the situation that you already know about.

  6. @Drew

    Right on, I'll let you know if a slot opens up later.
