Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jacob's Heart Monitor

So I bought Jacob a new Heart Monitor the other day.  Specifically I bought him a pulse oximeter (Contec SMS50e)

It took me a while to get the software working but I finally did.  Here is a sample from the other night.  The blue line is his pulse.  You can ignore the green that's the SpO2.

His average overnight was 61 bpm and pretty stable.  But of course this was a night that he did not have a seizure.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mt. St. Helens Climb - Just a few weeks away

I'm getting excited, I hope you are too!  Just a few weeks away until we climb Mt. St. Helens.  Remember the date is Friday, August 5th.  As we get a little closer I'll send out some reminders about what to pack and bring along.

I have three open spots and possibly one more if Vince can't make it.  If you want to come, it's not too late to reserve a spot.  If you know anyone else who would like to come, invite them!

But act now and don't delay because I'm actively campaigning for people to come right now and these spots are first come first served.  And the way that you reserve your spot is by paying $22.  That's how much the permits cost me.

See you there on the mountain!


Ticket #
Ticket Holder
May not come?
*These are first come first served so if you want to come let me know ASAP

Please hold your reservation by sending me $22 via paypal
My paypal email address is

Monday, June 6, 2011

Timothy Lake, Campout & Marathon

We had a good time on our campout and I had fun running my marathon.  That's the 3rd year straight that I've run the Timberline Marathon.

Enjoy the photos.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fwd: Camping this weekend @ "Gone Creek" Campground on the shore of Timothy Lake

See the map of my Marathon route and you can see a green triangle for the campground of "Gone Creek".  The marathon runs right through the campground.  I reserved us a campsite there on the shore of Timothy Lake.  My marathon will run practically right through the campground.  Minimum reservation was two (2) nights so we are there Friday & Saturday night.  I got us a spot as close to the lakeshore as possible since most of the spots were already reserved that's the best I could get.

Should be good fun and hopefully the weather will cooperate.  It should be nice, that's what the weather says right now anyway.

Here's a google map to the location.,+-121.77528&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=65.135703,135.263672&ie=UTF8&ll=45.123687,-121.771431&spn=0.057896,0.132093&z=14

Here are the details of the campsite:

Site Details

    • Reservation Type: Overnight
    • Departure Date: Sun Jun 05 2011
    • Check-out: 1:00 pm
    • Facility: GONE CREEK, MT. HOOD NF - FS, OR

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    Backup your gmail account

    Why should you backup your gmail account?  You might ask.  Well there are a number of good reasons.  First and foremost is that it is quite possible for someone to hack into your gmail account and delete all your data.  Or more likely someone could hack into your gmail and send out spam then google would close your account.

    Good luck calling google for tech support if that happens.  I've heard nightmare stories about this.

    I used a backup utility that I found online and it works quite well.

    It's called, "Gmail Backup".  I know not very original name.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Old Gadgets recycled

    I used to love my Sony Clie NX60.  But alas, that device is aged and I don't use the old Palm device.  So I converted it to a desktop picture viewer.  I bought a small picture frame and fastened the palm device to the back using some eye hooks and pencils.  Very low tech but yet quite effective.